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This page has been written, edited, and reviewd by our team. This page was approved by attorney, Rolando Cantú who was more than 15 years of legal experience as a McAllen Criminal Defense Lawyer.
In the event that you have been accused of white-collar crimes such as money laundering, bank fraud, securities fraud, or other related white-collar cases, it's crucial to know your rights and how a white-collar criminal defense attorney can help. The criminal justice system can be a tricky place, and white-collar crimes are serious criminal offenses.
In order to ensure that you have the best representation possible for your white-collar crime case, you should consider hiring a white-collar crime attorney from the start. The earlier you get help from an attorney, the better chance you will have at protecting your freedom and avoiding jail time for this type of offense.
As a former prosecutor, white-collar crimes lawyer Rolando Cantu spearheaded federal investigations involving many practice areas, which included money laundering, drug laws violations, gun violations, and immigration offenses. Rolando Cantú has successfully defended clients against white-collar cases for over 15 years. He will examine all aspects of your case to determine the best defense strategy that fits your individual needs and circumstances.
If you are facing white-collar criminal charges, you need a white-collar criminal defense attorney who can ensure that your rights are protected. From the initial investigation to trial and beyond, attorney Rolando Cantú will work to build a strong defense on your behalf.
When white-collar crimes are committed, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, DEA, or ATF may become involved. These federal agents play a major role in white-collar crime cases because they investigate criminal activity that spans across state lines. This is why it's critical to work with an experienced white-collar criminal defense lawyer in McAllen who understands how white-collar crimes are investigated and prosecuted.
If you are facing white-collar criminal charges, you need a white-collar criminal defense attorney who can ensure that your rights are protected. From the initial investigation to trial and beyond, attorney Rolando Cantú will work to build a strong defense on your behalf.
When white-collar crimes are committed, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, DEA, or ATF may become involved. These federal agents play a major role in white-collar crime cases because they investigate criminal activity that spans across state lines. This is why it's critical to work with an experienced white-collar
criminal defense lawyer in McAllen who understands how white-collar crimes are investigated and prosecuted.
If you are facing white-collar criminal charges, you need a white-collar criminal defense attorney who can ensure that your rights are protected. From the initial investigation to trial and beyond, attorney Rolando Cantú will work to build a strong defense on your behalf.
When white-collar crimes are committed, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, DEA, or ATF may become involved. These federal agents play a major role in white-collar crime cases because they investigate criminal activity that spans across state lines. This is why it's critical to work with an experienced white-collar
criminal defense lawyer in McAllen who understands how white-collar crimes are investigated and prosecuted.
White-collar criminal penalties include fines, house arrest, community confinement, payment of the legal fees associated with a case, forfeiture of assets, and even prison sentences. These depend on the laws of the state where white-collar crime is committed, as well as other factors such as criminal history and whether it's a misdemeanor or felony. The white-collar cases that are most commonly associated with prison sentences include money laundering, credit card fraud, tax evasion (not filing or hiding money from the IRS), and conspiracy.
Sanctions, on the other hand, might be reduced if the defendant takes responsibility for his or her actions and collaborates with law enforcement in their inquiry. Additionally, white-collar crimes can have a significant impact on you and your family – financially, emotionally, and even physically. If law enforcement agencies believe that white-collar crime has been committed, agents will begin gathering evidence and preparing to make an arrest.
As white-collar crimes can carry very harsh penalties, it's critical to hire an experienced white-collar criminal defense attorney who can protect your rights and build a strong defense on your behalf. From examining charges and conducting his own investigation to civil rights examination, peer evaluations, court appearances at all pre-trial hearings, filing of all discovery motions, and a trial before a jury (if necessary), he always takes a very aggressive approach to defending his clients.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Rolando Cantú will provide knowledgeable legal representation, extremely professional legal defense services, and an excellent attorney-client relationship to ensure that your legal issues are solved. To schedule a free initial consultation, contact White-Collar Crime Lawyer Rolando Cantú today.
A white-collar crime is a nonviolent crime committed for illegally obtained funds. white-collar crimes may involve fraud (including identity theft), embezzlement, tax evasion, and money laundering, among others. white-collar criminals are often business professionals. White-collar crimes frequently involve an abuse of power or trust that comes with the victim's reliance on the white-collar criminal's expertise. White-collar criminal cases are considered "high value" offenses because they can cause widespread harm, and victims may have a hard time identifying white-collar criminals.
White-collar crimes of this nature are prosecuted aggressively by federal prosecutors and law enforcement. It's important to seek legal guidance if you or someone you know is accused of white-collar crime. White collar-related crimes will typically be charged as a federal crimes if they violate federal law, so white-collar cases should be discussed with an experienced white-collar criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
If you are facing possible criminal prosecution, it is important to contact an experienced white-collar crime attorney who can assist you in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your case and creating a solid defense strategy. White-collar crime lawyer Rolando Cantú will provide an aggressive defense to protect individual and corporate clients, performing an internal investigation, ensuring that he will keep safe any confidential or sensitive information.
Federal Defense Lawyer Rolando Cantú is the best white-collar criminal Defense Lawyer in McAllen, Tx that offers a defense strategy that fits your individual needs. To schedule a free consultation, contact the Law Office of Rolando Cantú today.
We're here to help 24/7/365 — so call now at
956-267-9898 before it's too late!
When white-collar crime charges are filed, the criminal defense process begins. An accused person is innocent until proven guilty in court; however, law enforcement must gather evidence and testimony to bring white-collar criminal charges against a suspect. In order for the prosecution to prove white-collar crime allegations, they must provide concrete evidence that the white-collar criminal did what they are accused of. The prosecution tries to gather as much evidence and testimony as possible in white-collar criminal cases, but white-collar criminal defense lawyers help their clients by looking for holes in the prosecution's case or evidence that can be used to build a solid defense. White-collar criminal charges are typically filed in white-collar crime cases, but white-collar crimes can also be filed and prosecuted as state crimes.
If you're facing white-collar criminal charges, it's imperative to secure an experienced white-collar criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to begin working on a white-collar criminal defense strategy.
White-collar crime Lawyer Rolando Cantú is an experienced criminal defense lawyer, and as a former federal prosecutor, he has worked with both state and federal prosecutors and worked with various federal authorities. white-collar criminal defense Lawyer Rolando Cantú has extensive experience defending federal criminal cases, as well as white-collar offenses and federal charges. His wealth of experience, extensive background, and understanding of federal law is second to none.
The majority of white-collar crimes don't involve any kind of physical force or the use of illicit drugs. Instead, they focus on betraying trust or employing trickery and deception to assist the offender in reaching their objectives. The majority of white-collar criminal charges are filed against corporate executives or other individuals that hold positions of power. White-collar crimes are white-collar criminal charges that so both state and federal prosecutors and law enforcement aggressively prosecute may file white-collar criminal charges.
White-collar crimes may be charged both at the state and federal levels. Because they frequently entail lengthy investigations that span across the state and international boundaries, the federal government is often in a superior position to investigate and punish white-collar offenses. When white-collar criminal cases are filed, white-collar criminal defense lawyers must ensure that their client's defense strategy is well thought out and meticulously planned.
White-collar crime attorney Rolando Cantú has extensive experience with the federal court system and white-collar defense, working on federal white-collar crimes such as mail fraud, mortgage fraud, wire fraud, among others.
White-collar crimes may be charged both at the state and federal levels. Because they frequently entail lengthy investigations that span across the state and international boundaries, the federal government is often in a superior position to investigate and punish white-collar offenses. When white-collar criminal cases are filed, white-collar criminal defense lawyers must ensure that their client's defense strategy is well thought out and meticulously planned.
White-collar crime attorney Rolando Cantú has extensive experience with the federal court system and white-collar defense, working on federal white-collar crimes such as mail fraud, mortgage fraud, wire fraud, among others.
A white-collar offense includes criminal charges such as fraud, embezzlement, identity theft, money laundering, among many other criminal offenses. These types of white-collar criminal charges include white-collar crimes such as:
White-collar defense attorney Rolando Cantú can provide experienced criminal defense for you in both state and federal white-collar criminal cases.
A white-collar crime can have a severe impact on your future, whether it's social or professional. The penalties that are imposed for white-collar crimes can be both social and professional.
Sentences for a white-collar offense depend on the white-collar crime that is committed. Some white-collar offenses may carry a sentence between one and five years, while other white-collar crimes typically carry a sentence of up to 20 years in prison and fines, or even be punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
A white-collar crime can have a severe impact on your future, whether it's social or professional. The penalties that are imposed for white-collar crimes can be both social and professional.
Sentences for a white-collar offense depend on the white-collar crime that is committed. Some white-collar offenses may carry a sentence between one and five years, while other white-collar crimes typically carry a sentence of up to 20 years in prison and fines, or even be punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
Keep in mind that white-collar criminal cases might also include federal charges for the same activity. Furthermore, if you are charged with a state or federal offense, the penalties may be harsher if you have prior convictions or criminal history, harmed a large number of people, defrauded an older person, or stole a particularly large amount of money. In such cases, punishment may go beyond the typical statutory penalties.
You can count on Rolando Cantu Attorney for intelligent and proactive representation, just as you would with any other criminal defense practice. We will fight tirelessly to obtain justice for you using an Aggressive Defense strategy against the legal system.
Schedule a free consultation now to talk about your case in detail and choose the best approach for your situation, dedicated to offering high-quality legal services and extremely professional legal assistance.
If you are facing criminal charges, or someone you know has been accused of committing a federal crime and prior results have not been ideal, contact attorney Rolando Cantu and schedule an appointment. We offer a totally free and confidential consultation! You will not be disappointed.
Rolando Cantu is the founding attorney of the Law Office of Rolando D. Cantu. He is committed to providing aggressive and high level legal representation—successfully defending clients charged with state and federal criminal offenses. He works on every case as a priority with personal attention, while prioritizing their needs.
515 Pecan Blvd. McAllen,
Texas, United States 78501
Tel. +1 956-267-9898
Email: cantulaw@outlook.com