515 Pecan Blvd. McAllen,
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This page has been written, edited, and reviewd by our team. This page was approved by attorney, Rolando Cantú who was more than 15 years of legal experience as a McAllen Criminal Defense Lawyer.
If you or someone you know has been accused of a DWI in Texas, it can be difficult to know where to turn. This is not a process to take lightly, especially if you do not have an experienced lawyer by your side. A DWI conviction mark can stay on your record that can affect your current job status or even be detrimental in the future when applying for certain types of employment.
When you are facing the possibility of a DWI charge, it is important to know all your rights. Attorney Rolando Cantu is here for you. He has helped countless people who have been accused of DWI clear their public criminal records and move on with their lives. Rolando Cantú Attorney is well-versed in complicated DWI cases and knows how to maximize his client's assets. He will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible result in your case, with over 15 years of legal experience.
You don’t need to face this alone; contact attorney Rolando Cantu today at
956-267-9898. Attorney Rolando Cantu extends services to clients across Starr, Hidalgo, and Cameron County, so no matter where you are located he can help! Don’t let one mistake ruin your future – call now! Initial consultations are free.
Many people are not aware of the implications of a DWI conviction on their record. They assume that they can handle it without any legal advice. But the harsh truth is, if you have been convicted of DWI, your life will be affected for good. It becomes difficult to find a job, apply for credit, or even buy insurance.
It is important to understand a few things about DWI (driving while intoxicated), crime, and expunction. A DWI or DUI can’t be removed from your criminal record in the state of Texas automatically. To do so, you must go through a proper legal process to file a petition to the court for an Order of Expunction. Once the court orders are erased, your arrest record will then be destroyed and removed.
Getting a DWI record expunction is different from sealing a DWI. In sealing a DWI, charges are still visible to law enforcement; the charges in DWI Expunction are removed permanently from your record. However, there are eligibility requirements and a time limit to get your record expunged, even for first-time DWI offenders.
If you don’t act fast or do nothing about it, your DWI arrest will stay on the record forever. Your initial actions can affect administrative and criminal proceedings, helping you potentially avoid unnecessary expense and lasting harm.
Rolando Cantú Attorney at Law has a deep understanding of Texas law and is adept at handling even the most complicated cases. From first-time DWI convictions to complicated criminal cases, he is competent to represent you and help you avoid penalties.
Attorney Rolando Cantu is a former federal prosecutor experienced in handling and resolving DWI & DWI Expungement cases. He works relentlessly with every client to deliver the best results. He can provide you with step-by-step legal guidance for filing a petition and asking for expunction.
Sometimes, the state may object to the petition and argue against you for record expunction, but there is no opposition in most cases. Therefore, the court will order the record expunged. With this order in hand, you can deny ever being arrested for driving while intoxicated.
Attorney Rolando Cantu will provide quality assistance and legal representation throughout your proceedings. He will stand by your side to offer you the aggressive defense you need to protect your rights and avoid hefty charges.
Our attorney will strive to negotiate a favorable plea, but he will take your case to court if needed. He will relentlessly fight your case and advocate diligently, limiting the harm done to your driving privileges, your job, your pocket, and your future.
Title 1, Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure establishes the requirements you must fulfill to be eligible for filing an expunction petition. You may be eligible for the petition if:
To learn more about the eligibility requirements for filing a petition for a DWI expunction, contact attorney Rolando Cantu. Schedule your free consultation to discuss your specific DWI concerns and case today.
He will work with you to explore your options for obtaining an expunction, which would remove all traces of your arrest from public records in order to prevent future employers and lenders from viewing it when doing a background check.
You can count on Rolando Cantu Attorney for intelligent and proactive representation, just as you would with any other criminal defense practice. We will fight tirelessly to obtain justice for you using an Aggressive Defense strategy against the legal system.
Schedule a free consultation now to talk about your case in detail and choose the best approach for your situation, dedicated to offering high-quality legal services.
If you are facing criminal charges, or someone you know has been accused of committing a federal crime and prior results have not been ideal, contact attorney Rolando Cantu and schedule an appointment. We offer a totally free and confidential consultation! You will not be disappointed.
Rolando Cantu is the founding attorney of the Law Office of Rolando D. Cantu. He is committed to providing aggressive and high level legal representation—successfully defending clients charged with state and federal criminal offenses. He works on every case as a priority with personal attention, while prioritizing their needs.
515 Pecan Blvd. McAllen,
Texas, United States 78501
Tel. +1 956-267-9898
Email: cantulaw@outlook.com