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Written by Law Office of Rolando Cantú, reviewed by Rolando Cantú
The charges of intent to distribute, especially when they are leading to your first offense, may be very intimidating. Here, we would talk about what exactly is possession with intent to distribute, the serious consequences of the offense, and what people charged with it should take into account.
Possession with intent to distribute is a legal term that refers to holding drugs that are destined to fulfill the final goal of delivering them to others by selling, delivery, or distribution. This particular crime is viewed by law enforcement authorities as being the most urgent one, the one which should be addressed as soon as possible. The purpose of this regulated policy is to facilitate the process with specific rules set in place to minimize adverse health and safety effects. When it comes to the distribution of illegal substances you break many laws and also you can contribute to the difficult process of harm and danger for the public which makes the fight against the issue a matter that every legal system wants to achieve.
The Federal Law imposes penalties on possession with the intent to distribute, which are regulated by the Controlled Substances Act that is enforced by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Under this act, substances are classified in different schedules based on the probability of harm and legitimate medical use.
Substances listed under Schedule I are considered the most dangerous, whereas those under Schedule V have a lower likelihood of being abused and have medical applications that are already approved. Such drugs are characterized by the Schedule I classification which entails heroin, LSD, and ecstasy, whereas the substances included in Schedule V have low doses of codeine or opium.
Persons charged with possession with intent to distribute by and large normally hold substantial quantities of illegal drugs that they meant to sell to make money. At other times law enforcement can appraise the intent using means like drug paraphernalia, packaging materials, scales, and huge amounts of cash. To secure a conviction for possession with intent to distribute, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant knowingly possessed the substances and intended to distribute them. The concept of "beyond a reasonable doubt" is a high standard of proof in criminal cases, requiring the prosecution to present strong and convincing evidence.
Distributing intention in the state of Texas depends on several factors but can go as high as a $250000 fine and up to 99 years in prison in case of the type and quantity of the substance. In addition to this, the offense is given an even tougher sentence if it happens within a particular distance from educational establishments, playgrounds, or other special areas.
It is also important to point out that charges for possession and possession with intent to distribute drugs are not the same in many cases. Both are serious drug crimes, although possession with intent to distribute charge is more severe in outcome.
The laws surrounding this offense are outlined in the Texas Controlled Substances Act (TCSA), which classifies controlled substances into different penalty groups based on their potential for harm and abuse.
Related: Controlled Substance - Texas
This category includes highly addictive substances such as cocaine, opium, date rape drugs, and methamphetamines. Possession of:
200+ grams: Results in up to 99 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and an enhanced first-degree felony charge.
This category includes hallucinogenic substances. Possession of:
This category includes substances like Xanax and acid. Possession of:
This category includes prescription drugs. Possession of:
The person charged for the first time under the distribution of intent law might face severe legal consequences that may impede the usual progress of their lives in the future. It's crucial to understand the potential consequences involved, which may include:
Related: Can You Get in Trouble for Texting About Drugs in Texas?
In Texas, the penalties and charges for first-time offenders can vary widely depending on the specific crime committed. However, here is a general overview of potential fines and imprisonment for some common categories of offenses:
It is worth noting that the crime specifics, the existence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances, and the jurisdiction can lead to imposing a different mandatory minimum sentence and exact penalties for first-time offenders. Further, legal representation and the case details can contribute to the decision.
If you find yourself in a situation involving possession with intent to distribute as a first offense, it's essential to consider the following aspects:
Handling a charge of illegal drug possession with intent to distribute, particularly for first-time offenders, is a daunting task. Consulting experienced lawyers, understanding the grave situation, and taking all the opportunities given are fundamental actions that try to minimize consequences and get the best outcome. The law is also a part of that decision-making; and to preserve your rights and prospects, you must act proactively and wisely.
The Law Office of Rolando Cantu Specializes in Client Care. With legal issues becoming ever more complicated, it is imperative to know and consult a qualified attorney, such as that of the Law Office of Rolando Cantu. As a defense lawyer with more than 15 years of experience against drug-related charges, Attorney Rolando Cantu has prevailed in the trial of many clients. He was a former prosecutor, so, he knows not only about the defendants’ side but also how to build up the defense strategy he develops for each client. Our legal team has the right skills and experience for this level of cases to work for you around the clock and ensure your rights will be respected 100% and the best possible outcome for you. Contact us today so we can discuss your website. Our office is your legal support in times like this, when everything becomes more complicated.
Rolando Cantu is the founding attorney of the Law Office of Rolando D. Cantu. He is committed to providing aggressive and high level legal representation—successfully defending clients charged with state and federal criminal offenses. He works on every case as a priority with personal attention, while prioritizing their needs.
515 Pecan Blvd. McAllen,
Texas, United States 78501
Tel. +1 956-267-9898
Email: cantulaw@outlook.com