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Rolando Cantu is the founding attorney of the Law Office of Rolando D. Cantu. He is committed to providing aggressive and high level legal representation—successfully defending clients charged with state and federal criminal offenses. He works on every case as a priority with personal attention, while prioritizing their needs. 

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515 Pecan Blvd. McAllen,

Texas, United States 78501
Tel.  +1 956-267-9898 

The Dangers of Texting While Driving in Texas

December 15, 2022

The Dangers of Texting While Driving in Texas

Texting while driving is a serious issue that has cost many people their lives. Every day, people are killed due to distracted drivers who are on their phones instead of paying attention to the road. While it may seem like a harmless activity, texting while driving can be deadly and should not be taken lightly. Let’s take a look at why texting and driving is so dangerous, and how a car accident attorney can help you.

The Risks of Texting While Driving

Texting and driving is a dangerous behavior that can have serious consequences. With the advent of modern technology, it’s no surprise that more people are using their phones while behind the wheel. However, this habit has proven to result in fatal crashes or accidents in many cases, resulting in distracted driving accidents such as motor vehicle crashes. Texting and driving not only puts you at risk but also endangers those around you.

According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) driving statistics, distracted driving caused by texting or talking on your phone causes 1 in 4 car accidents in the United States each year. Furthermore, texting while driving increases your chances of causing an accident by 23 times! In Texas, the Department of Transportation reports that there were over 3,800 distracted driving crashes in 2019, resulting in over 800 fatalities. This means that if you are texting while behind the wheel, your chances of crashing are much higher than if you were simply focused on the road.

Texting while driving is extremely dangerous and can lead to fatal car accidents. Studies have shown that sending or reading a text message takes your eyes off the road for an average of five seconds—that’s long enough to drive the length of a football field at highway speed. Additionally, texting while driving impairs your judgment and reaction time, making it nearly impossible to avoid potential hazards in the road.

It’s also important to note that even hands-free talking on your phone while driving can be dangerous. Listening requires some level of cognitive effort, meaning you cannot devote 100% of your attention to the task of driving safely. In fact, research shows that drivers who talk on hands-free devices are just as likely as those who talk on hand-held devices to cause an accident due to distraction.

How Does Texting While Driving Affect You?

Texting while driving affects not only the person texting, but also other people on the roads. This type of behavior creates a ripple effect with potentially devastating consequences. When someone texts and drives, they become distracted from the task of driving and may miss important cues or signals from other drivers on the road. This could lead to an accident as they fail to react in time.

Texting while driving also affects other drivers by creating an environment where there are more vehicles on the roads that are not being driven safely; this increases the chance of an accident occurring due to someone else's negligence. Also, if you text and drive, you may be putting your passengers at risk as well; if they are injured in an accident because you were distracted by your phone, you could be held liable for their injuries. 

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Auto insurance rates in Texas can be expensive; however, if you are found guilty of texting while driving, your rates may skyrocket. You may also have to pay fines or face jail time if the accident resulted in a fatality. A car insurance company may also deny you coverage if you have a history of texting and driving or distraction related crashes.

Additionally, if you are involved in an accident that is considered to be due to distracted driving, your license may also be suspended or revoked. This means that you might lose your ability to drive altogether, resulting in a drastic change to your lifestyle.

The Penalties for Texting and Driving

In order to help combat this dangerous trend, many states have implemented strict laws regarding texting while driving and even use law enforcement officers as part of sting operations to catch offenders. In some states, such as California, it is illegal to even hold a cell phone while driving; this means that even if you're not actively using your phone to text or make calls, simply holding it can get you into trouble with law enforcement officers!

In Texas, it is illegal to read, write or send a text message while operating a vehicle. This law applies even if you are stopped at a red light or stop sign. If you are caught texting and driving, you will be issued a citation and face potential fines. Additionally, if your distracted driving results in an accident or injury to another person, you could be charged with a felony and face serious penalties.

Texting and driving in Texas is considered a misdemeanor offense, which would then create a criminal record for the violator. It is also illegal to use handheld devices in your vehicle while in a school zone. Here are the penalties according to Texas law:

  • The first offense will result in a fine of at least $25 but not more than $99.
  • For subsequent offenses, the fine will be at least $100 and up to $200.
  • If someone is seriously injured or killed as a result of the accidents caused, the offender may be fined up to $4,000 and/or imprisoned for up to one year.

Teen drivers in Texas between the ages of 18 and 20 who are caught texting while driving face additional penalties. They will be fined anywhere from $25 to $250,have their license suspended for up to six months, or both. For those under 18 years old, the consequences are even more severe; A teen driver license can be suspended for up to a year and fines can be as high as $500 for repeat offenders. For the first six months of driving, those with learner's permits are not allowed to use cell phones. Drivers under 18 years old are similarly
restricted from using handheld devices, since these are considered electronic devices and therefore prohibited.

The penalties for texting while driving are quite severe, but they pale in comparison to the potential consequences of being involved in a serious car accident. It is important to remember that no text or call is worth risking your life or the lives of others on the road.

How To Avoid Texting While Driving

A distracted driver  is a dangerous driver, so it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with texting while driving. Cell phone use is an extremely dangerous activity, and one of the main risk factors when it comes to car crashes. Always remember to keep your eyes on the road at all times. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your risk of being involved in a crash due to distracted driving, here are some tips:

  • Put your phone away when you’re behind the wheel: Don’t even give yourself a chance to be tempted by your device. Make sure it is out of reach when you’re in the car so that it won’t distract you from focusing on the road ahead. 

  • Use hands-free devices: If you need to make a call or send a text message while driving, use hands-free devices such as Bluetooth headsets or voice-activated texting functions so that both hands remain free for handling the steering wheel. 

  • Pull over if necessary: If you absolutely must make a call or send a text message while on the road, pull over into a safe area first before responding to any messages or calls. Do not attempt to multitask while still behind the wheel!

Texting and driving is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences. Always remember to keep your eyes on the road and never text or use your phone while operating a vehicle. Be mindful of other drivers, passengers and pedestrians around you – it could save lives! By following these tips, you can help reduce the risk of an accident due to distracted driving.

How a car accident lawyer can help

No text message is worth risking injury or death due to an auto accident caused by texting while driving. It’s essential that we all take responsibility for our actions behind the wheel by avoiding distractions such as cell phones and stay focused on getting from point A to point B safely and securely every time we get into a vehicle. All drivers should make sure they understand the risks associated with texting while driving and commit themselves to safe practices for everyone’s benefit.

If you, or someone you know is facing a texting while driving related incident or car accidents, you should seek legal counsel from an experienced car accident lawyer. A car accident attorney can help you understand your rights and provide advice on what steps to take next in order to recover damages or pursue justice. A good lawyer will also be able to assist with filing insurance claims and navigating the complex legal system, making sure that your best interests are represented in any case.

At The
Law Office of Rolando Cantu, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best legal advice and representation when facing car accident related issues. Our experienced lawyer can help you explore your options and determine the next best steps for your particular case. Contact us today for more information or to set up a consultation.

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